The wonderful thing about competitive sporting events is that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much money the next guy has, if he can't perform.
In business, for example, yes I suppose the performance and competitive edge of engineers, marketers, educators or whatever industry you're in, has a say in the outcome of a situation. But there is always the dark side of a financial bribe that could possibly give someone an easy-in, be it a company or an individual person. Same in politics. The advantage of having a heftier wallet than your competition inevitably lurks as a potential determinant of the final cards.
It's not that way in athletic competition. I bet that guy screaming down the highway in his a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s Lamborghini tonight probably couldn't hit a black diamond on his snowboard on the 2nd day, like I did. (I can safely say this because I'm convinced that a hardcore snowboarder doesn't exist in South Florida.) A dude in his super high tech and flashy running gear panted "Wow, you're fast. I've been trying to pass you ever since that last corner" as I hit the boardwalk tonight. Yeah, we know who would've won in a fast sprint!
Wealthy individuals can certainly afford the luxury of hiring the best trainers that money can buy. But what you can NEVER buy, is dedication. You can't buy a yes-I-can attitude, or the mindset of pushing your body further than you ever thought it'd go. And those people are the ones who emerge victorious. Whether it's the disabled teenage girl taking her first steps out of rehab, or Lance Armstrong biking for his next Olympic Gold, they're on the exact same page as the person next to them. It's not about who has the bigger wallet. It's about... who has the bigger drive?
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