Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's the Little Things

I think Jaron's new song, "That's Beautiful to Me" pertains to a lot of things.  It really is the little things that make it special. Sure, I could digress into a when-you-have-a-bad-day-at-work-be-grateful-that-you-have-a-job-to-begin-with monolgue, but no, I talk about RUNNING in my RUN blog.

Tonight, there was a chill in the air.  Autumn has officially hit South Beach.  The crisp breeze caught in my lungs, with every step and breath. People were sheltered in residences or entertainment venues.  The board walk was a ghost town tonight.  Even the strip on Ocean Drive seemed quieter than usual.  I think that the change of season in the air, and the unfamiliar, solitary run tonight helped make me aware of little things about my running habits that make the experience... special.

I've noticed that I run with my arms relaxed down by my hips, not all stuffed up in my chest.  I've noticed that I have a lucky sports bra (which I might or might not have run in when it was dirty because I like it so much...).  I've noticed that I prefer to run on an empty stomach, no matter the distance.  I've noticed that I have a spring in my step once I've hit my stride.  I've noticed that I feel better running in a full out ponytail, rather than a bun.  I've noticed that I always smile or grin towards oncoming runners. 

But, I'll tell you. One of the BIG 'little things' that makes it special, is my ability to appreciate that every step taken, is oceanside.  Some people have never even seen the ocean, and never will throughout their entire lives.  They have only seen it or heard about it from the media.  Could you imagine that?  And here I have the liberty, no, the privilege, to jog between sea breezes and under palm trees, listening to that unstoppable ocean tide.

I guess I just want you to find something small, silly and special that helps you appreciate your circumstances.  Find the things that make you different from everyone else.  Those things distinguish you as a person.  At the end of the day, you answer to yourself - so be someone that you like.

Recognize that you are irreplaceable.

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