Thursday, February 10, 2011

Run Fun!

So so so much fun tonight at Run Club! The Photo Hunt was awesome.

We were broken off into our pace groups and the pacer held a list of things that we had to locate and get the entire group behind for a photo. For example: tourist wearing Nike gear, the Apple Genius' from the Apple Store on Lincoln, an exotic car (surprisingly hard to find tonight! I was hoping for a Cobra or a Phantom. We could only find a Bentley. COME ON South Beach, haha), the bunny statues at The W, the Infinite Pool at Delano, things like that. We were all crazy people running around, mostly scaring the tourists and staff of all targeted venues. You should've seen the staff at Delano, and the horror on their faces to see 30 sweaty bodies running through their gorgeous lobby restaurant. Haha! Pictures will be up soon enough.

I was worried about how much exercise was actually going to be involved in this evening's shennanigans since we would stop every several hundred yards for a new photo. Well, when you're hiking up to the top floor of a parking garage, or sprinting down Alton Rd because you only have "2 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to get back to home base, it's amazing what muscles you can discover that you thought you never had...

And of course, wonderful Shake Shack discounted beer and (phenomenal!) burgers for the runners, post-race. I hope the SS staff knew what they were in for tonight. 150+ runners walking in the front door is a lot of mouths to feed. They were on point. Emilio and I were easily one of the last runners to grab some Shackmeister Ale's (yes, Shackmeisters) and that guy behind the counter was still smiling and joking with us.

I hope they put in some more of these interactive runs, though it'll be nice to hit our solid 3.5 on the beach again next week. One million thanks to Frankie and his team (props to our pacer, Sadie!) for organizing an awesome evening: Way to shaaaake shake shake it up!

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